Sunday, September 26, 2010

Imagine Arrived

Well my Imagine arrived on Monday, Sept. 20th and I haven't been able to play yet.  This is how my week went.  UPS man came at 1:00pm (he NEVER comes that early) I saw the truck driving off so looked out and there she was just sitting in the driveway OMG.  So I yelled for hubby to come help me and stepped out on the deck (to get the smaller box) twisted my left ankle and went to recover with my right foot.  DOWN I went.  When hubby came out I was sitting on the deck crying.  I broke my right ankle.  They put the Imagine in the livingroom and me in the back seat of the jeep and off to the hospital I went.  One doc said they'd knock me out and set it.  Other doc said nope gotta go have surgery need screws and a plate.  I broke all three bones you have in your ankle WAY TO GO. NO playing for me today.  5:30pm I'm being taken into emergency surgery.  OMG talk about pain.  This has been the worst week of my life.  I came home Thursday, Sept 23rd. Still NO playing for me I can't even let my leg hang down long enough to go potty.  This sucks.  I want to set it up and play so bad - but I have to wait maybe sometime this week like Wednesday or Thursday. 

Monday, September 20, 2010


Is on the truck for delivery.  Now I just have to make it through the day cause he doesn't delivery here till around 4pm. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Just checked the tracking and it's on route to the warehouse here.  That means that Monday afternoon I'll have it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Cricut Imagineā„¢ Electronic Print and Cut Machine with Ink and 3 Cartridges Cricut Imagineā„¢ Hopscotch Colors and Patterns CartridgeI caved I ordered it yesterday morning I also ordered the Hopstotch Colors and Patterns Cartridge.  And it should be here around Sept 24th.  I can't wait.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Book #2 The Fish Bowl Book

After watching videos made by Bug Junkie I had to give making a book with the hiding spots a try.
I'm officially addicted to making books. They are so much fun to do. I really don't know why I didn't try this before but I'm glad I have started now.  This book is 5.5" x 10.5". The papers are from Cosmo Cricket "Snorkel"

Fish Bowl Book

Pink ATG

How did I live without this?  I really don't know how I did anything without this little baby.  Love it!  I added a scrap piece of the Doodlebugs Beetle Black Swiss Dot Paper (which I just LOVE) to the inside cover.

New Book

Been working on a new book - I really like this - Thank you Bugjunkie for inspiring me to make the Choo Choo Book now I have all kinds of ideas going on in my mind.  Can't wait to post the new one almost done. Maybe later today.